Hydro System
Harvest rain water for irrigation and pool top-up. All water is run through a high pressure pump to you existing irrigation and water system to your pool, providing your premises with rain water that is good for your plants and pool.

Off Grid Irrigation System
Quality PVC pipe designed for pressurised irrigation systems with a 3-year guarantee.
Pool Top-up from Water tanks to your pool.
Rain Harvesting
- 1 x 5000L Tank
- Manual PVC pipe Override System
- 2 x Rain Runners for Rain harvesting
Conserve, Filter and Save.
Harvest rain water, store your borehole for your Irrigation system or Pool Top-up only. All water is run through a high pressure pump providing your premises with rain water.
Our rain harvesters, designed and manufactured by us, will ensure that your rainwater is clean of debris and optimally harvested for storage. 1 litre of water from 1 millimetre of rain on 1 square surface.

Rain Harvesters.

Rain Harvester.

How it Works
Rain runners are installed 300mm above the tank level to the optimum place for water harvesting and directed through the rain harvester where the water will be cleared from debris. All excess water wil overflow through the existing gutter system during storms where waterflow is to high for filtration. Out Rain runners al designed to not overflow over the harvester but through the rain gutters ensuring your property is still protected from water not splashing to the wall or surrounding areas.
Water runs from the Rain Collector in a 50mm pipe down the wall and into a underground ring main to the tank / s. Water is delivered to the tanks without any pumps should the tanks always be at a level not higher than 300mm below the harvesters.
The tanks can also be used for Borehole water storage and pumped to your irrigation system.

What we can do for you
Harvest your rainwater to supplement municipal water. Get you off the grid.
Re-cycle your greywater to irrigate your garden.
Re-use your backwashed pool water to save water.
Save up to 90% of your municipal water bill with our products.
Installation of Water backup systems.
Why Eco Harvester products?
A wealth of experience.
Backed by 25 years of experience in water conservation.
Over 4000 installations in SA.
Free online quotations to green your homes.
Clean. Recycled. Efficient.
We believe in reusing what we have. Our products are of high quality and installed by professional installers.