Neptune Greywater System
Recycle your household greywater and use it for irrigation.
Safe more than 200L of water per day that can be re-used for irrigation.

Greywater System
Quality PVC pipe installed underground and connected to your water drain pipes fed to a underground water chamber that will automatically pump water to your hose at a preset level of water.
This solution is not suiteable for pressured irrigation systems.
- 1 x Chamber 7 meter Head Unit Pump
- 1 x 500L Underground tank
- 1 Greywater filtration basket and Basin unit
- Hosepipe and sprinkler
Conserve, recycle and Save.
Grey water is defined as water from baths , showers, hand basins and clothes washing machines, or the laundry. Water from any other household source (toilet water and from kitchen and bidets) is considered black water and must be allowed to proceed to the sewer and be treated by sewerage treatment works.
A bath uses 120 litres and a shower 80 litres of water. This water is called grey water. Our grey water system uses this grey water to immediately irrigate your garden, saving you on a substantial portion of your water bill.




How it Works
Grey water from baths, showers, hand basins, and the laundry is piped into a manifold to introduce into a filter device to remove hair, and particulates. When the water level reaches a predefined level, the water is pumped with a submersible pump from the chamber to the water hose to water your garden which may be moved from time to time. This solution is not suitable for high pressure systems as it is grey water not filtered and placed under pressure not suitable for aeration.

What we can do for you
Harvest your rainwater to supplement municipal water. Get you off the grid.
Re-cycle your greywater to irrigate your garden.
Re-use your backwashed pool water to save water.
Save up to 90% of your municipal water bill with our products.
Installation of Water backup systems.
Why Eco Harvester products?
A wealth of experience.
Backed by 25 years of experience in water conservation.
Over 4000 installations in SA.
Free online quotations to green your homes.
Clean. Recycled. Efficient.
We believe in reusing what we have. Our products are of high quality and installed by professional installers.