
Water is life. Not only do you need water to survive but it is an essential resource in all matter. 71% of earth is covered with water but only 1% of it  is drinkable. As water is necessary for all life and especially for human survival, the importance of this resource is clear.

With climate change, the weather patterns in the world have changed and South Africa’s catchment area has seen a severe scarcity of water, according to the Department of Water and Sanitation at the City of Cape Town.

The positive news is that water levels in the Western Cape, where the drought has been rife, are rising. Unfortunately measures still need to be taken to keep the dam levels at above constant and fill them to as close to 100% as possible.

According to Africacheck, the following statistics showcase the current water situation in South Africa.

  1. Roughly 88 % of SA households have access to water.
  2. There is piped water in less than 50% of the homes.
  3. South Africa has less water per person than Botswana & Namibia.
  4. South Africa is the 39th ‘driest’ country in the world.

Everyone has a role to play to ensure that water is used in a sustainable manner.

General Quick Tips on How to Save Water

  • Monitor how much water you are consuming.
  • Find and fix leaks. The DropDrop App can help you.
  • Use alternative water resources, like collecting rain water or using grey water.
  • Use hand sanitiser. But be warned – use it (and soap) properly or risk creating antibacterial-resistance, just like not finishing your antibiotics script.
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